Pussy Riot member visits Bernie Sanders campaign office

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova calls the presidential candidate 'an inspiration'

Photo: Kay Nietfeld/Getty Images

Looks like Vampire Weekend aren’t the only band backing Bernie Sanders. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, a member of the Russian feminist punk outfit Pussy Riot, has posted photos of her surprise visit to the Democratic presidential candidate’s campaign office in Washington, D.C. on Friday.

“Thank u guys for an inspiration! I love what u stands for!” she wrote on Twitter, adding a snapshot of her posing in a “Bernie for President” T-shirt.

The visit came a day after Tolokonnikova told Rolling Stone she appreciates the Vermont senator’s stance on issues including prison reform and income inequality.

“Last year I was quite sad and disappointed because it seemed to me that the voices of these people who started Occupy Wall Street, they are not so loud anymore,” she said. “But now you can see that Bernie, he expressed his voice on a political level.”

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