Broad City: Abbi and Ilana pitch a dating app

Glazer: 'There would be a Snapchat element where you could show yourself naked'


There are plenty of ways to date these days, from Tinder to Farmers Only. But what if there was an app designed specifically to bring together Broad City fan? Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer are into it!

During our recent interview over drinks at New York’s The Spotted Pig with the Broad City stars, they duo came up with what could very become the next big thing in romance. Read on to get a taste of what your future love life will look like:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Since you film in New York, how often do you get approached by excited fans?

ABBI JACOBSON: I don’t have a lot of people come to me. I think it’s the most amazing problem you can ever have, where they’re like, “I love the show.” It feels like this really cool thing — I think it would be so cool to have a party for Broad City fans. I think Broad City fans would be friends with each other. We should have a fun meet-up where Broad City fans can go and meet — we don’t even have to be there.

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Tinder for Broad City?

ILANA GLAZER: Yes! A dating app. Oh my God!


GLAZER: Holy s—, that would be dope. There would be, like, 1 million people on it. I’m saying that’s a small number. It would be a small pool. And you’d, like, know the person has your back. Damn!

JACOBSON: You think the small side would be 1 million people?

GLAZER: That’d be the top. Probably 200,000 people would be on this dating app. Or 100,000.

JACOBSON: It would be like, Are you more an Abbi? More an Ilana? Or more a Lincoln? Because I think Lincoln sets a bar dating-wise, maybe more than either of us. The way we write Lincoln is kind of more traditional.

GLAZER: I also think there would be a Snapchat element where you could show yourself naked and it would disappear quickly.

JACOBSON: Maybe it’s a temporary dating app that only exists when the show airs. So you can meet in person at a certain bar … that screens the show! And it’s like, there’s no pressure, because there’s other people here!

GLAZER: Yes! I like it around viewings.

JACOBSON: Just because we’re saying this in the magazine, you guys cannot steal this idea.

A version of this story originally appeared in Entertainment Weekly issue #1408-1409. For more, pick up the issue on newsstands Friday.

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