Batman v Superman cast responds to reviews


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens in theaters this weekend, but lackluster reviews are already everywhere. Yahoo Movies UK recently asked the cast what they thought of them, and whether or not negative buzz could have an impact on the film’s reception.

“What is going to really matter, I believe, is what the audience says,” Henry Cavill said. “Because they’re the ones who are buying tickets, they’re the ones who want to see more of this kind of story, or not. So the audience’s voice is loudest, and after this weekend, the audience will at least partly have spoken.”

“I agree,” Ben Affleck added.

Director Zack Snyder said he made the film based on the aesthetic of comic books he loves, “and I don’t know how else to do it, so it is what it is.” Amy Adams emphasized that they didn’t make the film “for the critics,” and Gal Gadot thinks Snyder did “fantastic work” bringing Superman and Batman together. Jesse Eisenberg doesn’t watch the movies he’s in, much less read reviews.

“I don’t even watch the movies I’m in, I get very critical,” Eisenberg said. “So I don’t like reading stuff either. It’s distracting.”

Watch the video here, via Yahoo Movies

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