Watch a Hamilton and Batman mashup


Hamilton has spurred an unprecedented number of mash-ups since hitting Broadway in August. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical smash has hatched everything from Donald Trump spoofs and TV one-offs to cinematic riffs on Space Jam, Star Wars, and the like. The latest installment puts a superhero spin on the theatrical phenomenon, pairing Hamilton with the unlikely cast of Batman for a video entitled Batlexander Manilton.

Created by newly formed comedy collective Turtle Cameron, the clip comes on the heels of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’s worldwide premiere this week. Harvey Dent, Rachel Dawes, the Joker, and the remaining Batman crew all chime in throughout the four-minute short, spewing impassioned rhymes on a brightly lit stage.

“How does a bat-scared orphan / one with a fortune and options / who watched as the barrel of a revolver shot right in the abdomen / his mother and his father near an opera / grow up to battle village rogues and robbers?” a smirking Joker opines in the opening soliloquy.

Later, the dark hero himself appears with the flick of a cape. “My name is Batlexander Manilton, but if I’m ever asked by anyone, I’m just Bruce Wayne. Just Bruce Wayne,” he announces in a smooth tenor.

Batlexander Manilton even boasts some crossover appeal, spotlighting Clark Kent near the video’s close. “And me, I’m the damn fool that fought him,” the plain-clothed Superman says. Watch below.

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