Tracy Morgan reviews Batman v Superman

Photo: NBC

The story of his son’s birth wasn’t the only exciting thing Seth Meyers pulled out for Tuesday’s Late Show. He also had his old pal Tracy Morgan on the show. Declaring that he “has his finger on the cultural pulse,” Meyers asked Morgan to review the recent superhero blockbuster Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Morgan, of course, had a very colorful take.

“I saw Batman v Superman, and the fix was in. I walked away angry thinking I had just seen Pacquiao-Mayweather again. Batman ain’t got no wins. All he got is a belt,” Morgan ranted. “I’m a Superman dude, man. It was a different Batman and Superman. The first Batman was mad because criminals had killed his dad. But Ben Affleck plays Batman in this one, and he was angry because he messed up with Jennifer Garner. Wouldn’t you be? Jennifer Garner’s a fox!”

Meyers and Morgan also discussed their time together on Saturday Night Live, when the comedian gave the host one crucial piece of advice: Don’t listen to the NBC pages. Morgan almost had no words for how good it felt to host SNL in October and said that in the wake of his accident, he now routinely gets warm receptions on tour.

“They give me a standing ovation when I first come out, man. It makes me feel like a magical black dude,” Morgan said. “I feel like John Coffey in The Green Mile. I could touch you and cure your syphilis.”

Watch the full clip below.

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