Batman v Superman: Jesse Eisenberg Michael Shannon dummy story


Strange Tales doesn’t just apply to the early Doctor Strange comics. It’s also the unofficial title of Jesse Eisenberg‘s dealings with a naked Michael Shannon dummy.

The actor tried to explain to Conan O’Brien on Thursday’s special edition of Conan how Batman v Superman captured the corpse of General Zod, Shannon’s character in Man of Steel. The key word here is “tried.”

“I was interacting with this corpse, but it was naked the whole movie,” Eisenberg said. He added, “This movie was crafted by the greatest artisans so every hair on his body was like an accurately placed hair.”

Now, here’s where it gets strange: “They reproduced this actor in his entirety — in its entirety — and somebody else’s genitals because I guess [Shannon] didn’t sign off on that final page,” Eisenberg said. Fortunately Ben Affleck was there to save the day.

Hearing is believing, so watch the clip below.

You can see the naked Michael Shannon dummy in Batman v Superman, now playing in theaters.

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