Azealia Banks apologizes to Sarah Palin: I was completely kidding

Photo: Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images; D Dipasupil/Getty Images

The outspoken rapper Azealia Banks has issued a measured apology to Sarah Palin after going off on a profanity-laced Twitter rant about the former Alaska governor earlier this week.

Banks’ initial tirade was sparked by her falling for a satirical article claiming that Palin said African-Americans willingly accepted slavery. In a string of since-deleted tweets, Banks suggested that Palin deserved to be sexually assaulted and videotaped.

In a lengthy open letter addressed to Palin and posted to Tumblr on Tuesday, Banks wrote, “Since learning that the article was not published officially, I sincerely apologize for any emotional distress or reputational scarring i may have caused you.”

Regarding her obscene remarks, she added, “In my honest defense, i was completely kidding. I happen to have a really crass, New-York-City sense of humor, and regularly make silly jokes in attempts make light of situations which make me uncomfortable.”

Banks also asserted that her use of slang was misconstrued and she never said Palin should be raped — only that she should participate in a group sex act. Other portions of the letter vacillate between complimentary (“I actually, really like you”) and condescending (“If Bristol Palin listened to my music she probably wouldn’t have all those cotdamn kids!”).

Prior to Banks’ mea culpa, Palin scolded the rapper on social media for “not exercising enough intelligence to acknowledge you’ve been sucked into believing some fake interview.” Palin also told PEOPLE she planned to sue Banks for the outburst.

Read Banks’ full letter on Tumblr.

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