Gregg Allman condemns North Carolina law, doesn't cancel concert

'We stand in solidarity with the LGBT community urging [North Carolina] Gov. [Pat] McCrory to listen to the people and reverse this wrong,' Allman wrote on Facebook

Photo: Gabriel Olsen/Getty Images

Gregg Allman has added his voice to the growing list of performers who have lambasted North Carolina’s controversial Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act. Like Bruce Springsteen and Jimmy Buffett, Allman condemned the bill, which mandates transgender people use bathrooms corresponding to the gender they were assigned at birth.

“Although we, as a nation, have made progress in many areas, it’s sad and infuriating that some, in 2016, are still working so hard to take the rights away from our brothers and sisters,” Allman wrote on Facebook. “We stand in solidarity with the LGBT community urging [North Carolina] Gov. [Pat] McCrory to listen to the people and reverse this wrong.”

But Allman did not cancel his concert scheduled for Wednesday evening in Greensboro. “I know that North Carolina is a state full of good folks and loyal fans, many of whom are angry about and feel misrepresented by this action,” he wrote. “My band and I will continue to play our show as scheduled there tomorrow, April 13, and hope that our music unites people in this challenging time.”

Allman’s decision echoes Buffett’s, who also refused to cancel his show on the grounds “that the majority of [his] fans in North Carolina feel the way [he does] about the law.” On the other hand, Springsteen canceled his own Greensboro gig because “some things are more important than a rock show and this fight against prejudice and bigotry […] is one of them.”

Gov. McCrory released a video on YouTube Tuesday providing more information about his stance on the issue. “After listening to people’s feedback for the past several weeks on this issue, I have come to the conclusion that there is a great deal of misinformation, misinterpretation, confusion, a lot of passion and frankly, selective outrage and hypocrisy, especially against the great state of North Carolina,” he said. “Based upon this feedback, I am taking action to affirm and improve the state’s commitment to privacy and equality.”

Allman also criticized the bigoted Mississippi law that led Bryan Adams to cancel his Thursday concert there.

See Allman’s full note below.

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