Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates red band trailer


If February’s trailer for Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates would be considered the film’s save-the-date, this new red band version is the wild, NSFW invitation to the big party.

Zac Efron and Adam Devine star as the titular Mike and Dave, two hard-partying brothers who are told to bring dates to their sister’s Hawaiian wedding in hopes it keeps their behavior under control. They put out a call for bring-home-to-mom types that goes viral — but the women they choose (Anna Kendrick and Aubrey Plaza) end up being just as wild, if not wilder, than they are.

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Efron and Devine easily developed their characters’ brotherly camaraderie during filming, director Jake Szymanski recently told EW. “We were almost cheating because those guys are real-life friends and have already done stuff like call each other up and been like ‘Hey, do you want to go to Mexico for four days?’ and they leave the next day and go,” he said. “They already had great chemistry and it got even better when they went into character.”

Written by Neighbors’ Andrew Jay Cohen and Brendan O’Brien, Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates also features Stephen Root, Sugar Lyn Beard, and Sam Richardson. The film arrives in theaters on July 8.

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