Amy Schumer enlists Selena Gomez to mock relatable stars

Photo: Comedy Central

The most relatable thing about Amy Schumer might be her annoyance with relatable celebrities.

In a sketch from Thursday’s episode of Inside Amy Schumer, the comedian and actress goes all out as a sheltered version of herself. Schumer 2.0 is so out of touch, she hosts a pseudo talk show, Down to Earth, that finds her introducing ridiculous segments (“Meet a Poor Person”) and insulting Selena Gomez to her face.

It all kicks off “40,000 feet above the Earth, above a luxury airship that never touches the ground for tax reasons,” as the announcer explains.

Gomez pops up to perform the theme song, only for Schumer to insult her. “Look at you Miss Rosetta Stone,” she says. “Look at how good your English has gotten. I love.”

A confused Gomez replies, “I was born in Texas.”

In the segments that follow, Schumer gabs about her pet dinosaur and takes a peek at a live feed of her maid, whom Schumer fears has been stealing from her. “Do I have a maid? Yes,” says Schumer. “Do I know her name? No. But I’m just like you. I still wash my own legs. I still do my own masturbating. Thank you. Selena, am I saying that right?”

“Masturbating or my name?” asks the singer, who is visibly perplexed.

This blimp ride gets even bumpier — check out the video below, and watch Inside Amy Schumer Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET on Comedy Central.

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