Bernie Sanders responds to Donald Trump debate challenge

Photo: ABC

In just two days, Jimmy Kimmel has already done more for bipartisanship than Congress has all year. The late-night host decided to make the most of booking Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders on his show this week, having the candidates appear on back-to-back nights and somewhat interact with each other (albeit through Kimmel’s words).

During Trump’s appearance on Wednesday night, Kimmel asked if he would be willing to debate Sanders ahead of the California Democratic primary, since Hillary Clinton had decided against such an event. Trump expressed interest. Sanders did as well, adding that polls suggest he is more likely to defeat Trump in a general election.

“If Democrats want the candidate who is most likely to defeat Trump and beat him badly, I think you’re looking at the guy,” Sanders said.

Kimmel also asked Sanders a question given to him by Trump: “Will you run as an independent candidate when Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the party bosses steal this nomination away from you?” Sanders acknowledged that this was probably a little self-serving on Trump’s part.

“I really do appreciate his concern for me, I know that comes straight from his heart,” Sanders said. “But tell him that what I hope will happen is I will run against him as the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. And if I do, we’re gonna beat him, and beat him bad. You can tell him that.”

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