Bernie Sanders explains the House sit-in to Stephen Colbert

Photo: Scott Kowalchyk /CBS

On Friday morning, Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders announced that he was willing to vote for Hillary Clinton in November, signalling that his campaign might be coming to an end. Before that, however, Sanders appeared on The Late Show Thursday night to talk with Stephen Colbert about his favorite memories from the campaign, as well as the recent Democratic sit-in in the House of Representatives. The sit-in, organized by civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis of Georgia, was designed to protest Congress’ inaction on gun control measures in the wake of yet another mass shooting. Sanders himself stopped by the sit-in, and told Colbert about his anger with the whole situation.

“What this is all about, it’s almost embarrassing to have to epxlain because it’s so crazy, is we have Republicans who think it’s okay to keep people off of airplanes for good reasons, becausae they are possible terrorists. We don’t want to see that continue,” Sanders said. He then raised his voice: “And yet these very same people who can’t get on a plane can walk into a gun store and buy an AK-47, which can be used to mow down people. It is so crazy that we have to argue about having sane gun legislation keeping guns away from terrorists. It’s almost embarrassing to have to explain this to the American peple.”

Watch the clip below.

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