Sex and the City: Miranda's son Brady Hobbes actor Joseph Pupo is all grown up

Photo: Bobby Bank/WireImage; Youtube

Remember little Brady Hobbes, Miranda’s son on Sex and the City? Actor Joseph Pupo portrayed the character, but now he’s all grown up and looking back on his not-especially-fond memories of the HBO series in a hilarious video interview.

Cynthia Nixon (Miranda) and David Eigenberg (Steve Brady) played Pupo’s on-screen parents, while the youngin’ was constantly going out to brunch with the ladies. However, Pupo doesn’t remember much from the show. As he says in the spoof interview with The Battery Company‘s Sas Goldberg and Jake Wilson, he was 3 months old when cast.

The hosts continued their comical questions by probing about those episodes he can’t watch. “I don’t watch the show,” he stoically admits. “Just never did — wasn’t interested.”

Watch the interview above.

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