Firefly: Fan-made animated teaser brings the cult hit back to life


Well, this just might be the shiniest little cartoon in the ‘verse.

Artist Stephen Byrne caused the hearts of Browncoats around the world to skip a beat when he uploaded a 30-second clip titled “The Animated Adventures of Firefly Teaser” on Sunday. Unfortunately, the artfully crafted cartoon is merely a pipe dream for Byrne, and not an actual series. But that doesn’t diminish the joy of seeing Mal, River, Wash, and the rest of the gang reunited — with a Disney-fied twist.

The short teaser shows the whole crew of Serenity in action, including another heartbreaking reminder about Zoë and Wash’s cut-short love. It concludes with the whole crew together at the ship’s controls, ready to sail off into space for their next adventure.

Though unofficial, Byrne’s cartoon is getting the stamp of approval from some of the Firefly cast. Nathan Fillion tweeted “This is simply wonderful. Browncoats consistently amaze me,” and Adam Baldwin made the animated take on his character, Jayne, his new Twitter avatar.

See the video above.

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