Mistresses: The 10 zaniest, most ludicrous plotlines, ranked

We're not even going to mention how this show had no actual mistresses by the end.

Photo: Eric McCandless/ABC

Hey, did you guys happen to catch the season 4 finale of Mistresses? (Spoilers, obviously, ahead.) Oh, no big deal, they just happened to kill off one of their major characters, Dr. Karen Kim (Yunjin Kim). OR DID THEY? The final shot had April (Rochelle Aytes) seeing what looked to be her dead friend walk in the door, but it was some other lady altogether, one who introduced herself as Karen Kim. Say what now?

In honor of this zany turn, here are some of our favorite bananas/bonkers/loony/defies-all-belief story lines from the four seasons.

10. Joss (Jes Macallan) was in a committed same-sex relationship for about four seconds. She was then engaged to the shoe fetish guy, before leaving him for her sister's ex-husband.

9. April almost had a relationship with a transgender man before she backed out and the show forgot about him.

8. Jerry O'Connell was Karen's nanny.

7. Karen's nanny — who replaced Jerry O'Nanny — catfished Rory's hot dad from Gilmore Girls.

6. April became involved with a sexy painter — who turned out to really be a federal agent.

5. Karen became part of a throuple with a husband and wife — the wife was dying of cancer. Karen got pregnant and named the baby after her.

4. Karen had an affair with a married man. He died. (She helped him do it!) She then had an affair with his young son. His mother held Karen at gunpoint. Shot son instead.

3. Karen decided to try being a sex worker. She called herself Jennifer.

2. April's dead husband turned out not to be dead. Then was dead again.

1. Joss was held at gunpoint by Wilson (Jarod Joseph), who was dressed up to look like his employer, Jennifer Esposito's Calista Raines (wig and caftan and all!).

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