Donald Trump insulted 24 ways by @midnight host Chris Hardwick

Photo: Comedy Central

Last December, @midnight rolled out a two-season supercut of host Chris Hardwick’s inventive and extremely derogatory ways to sum up Donald Trump. (“Feral shouting meatball,” anyone?) Now, @midnight returns with another highlight reel/Hardwick hatchet job on the polarizing presidential candidate. (Samantha Bee has been excelling in this field ever since launching Full Frontal earlier this year.) In “Accurate Descriptions of Donald Trump Vol. 2,” you will be treated to such evocative descriptions as “talking diaper filled with lasagna Donald Trump” and “billionaire Crème brûlée colostomy bag Donald Trump” and “pumpkin pie filling reanimated by the River Styx Donald Trump.” The final insult in this reel is so long and insult-stuffed, it takes him 15 seconds to get through. And if you’re a Trump fan, well, maybe you can laugh at watching Hardwick’s beard grow and disappear. Check it out.

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