Donald Trump compared to Jaws' Quint by Mike Huckabee

Photo: Johnny Louis/WireImage; Everett Collection

If you’re going to go on TV and compare the presidential election to a movie, it helps if you’ve actually seen the movie recently.

After Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off during Sunday’s debate, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee stopped by Fox News with his take on the debate. Specifically, he drew comparisons between the two presidential candidates and Steven Spielberg’s 1975 blockbuster Jaws, likening Trump to Robert Shaw’s character, Quint.

“He’s like Captain Quint in the original movie Jaws,” Huckabee told Megyn Kelly. “He’s vulgar, he’s salty, he might even get drunk. He’s just a terrible… but he’s the guy who’s going to save your butt and save your family. And so, at the end of the day, when he kills the shark you’re happy about it.


That was when Kelly interjected: “Now governor, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Captain Quint got eaten by the shark at the end of that movie.”

To refresh readers’ memories (as well as Huckabee’s): Quint is eaten alive by the shark at the end of Jaws, before the shark itself is blown up. (Watch below.)

“Any analogy can fall apart, Megan,” Huckabee said as the pair laughed. “Work with me on this!”

Watch Huckabee’s awkward moment in the clip below. (The Jaws talk starts around the 2:45 mark.)

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Jaws star Richard Dreyfuss also took to Twitter to chastise Huckabee for his gaffe (and commend Kelly for getting the plot right).

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