SNL Church Lady returns: Dana Carvey appears on Weekend Update

Photo: NBC

For the second time during this year’s election cycle, Dana Carvey brought Church Lady back to Saturday Night Live.

On Saturday’s show, Carvey’s famous character appeared during Weekend Update to offer some thoughts on the election and co-anchor Colin Jost.

“Thank you for having me on your little midnight shindig,” Carvey’s Church lady said. “What a delightful job you have: Instead of resting up for church, you’re staying up late making naughty jokes about Anthony’s wiener.”

Told by Jost that surely Jesus likes good jokes, Church Lady replied, “Jesus loves a good joke, so that would leave you out of the equation.”

On the election, Carvey’s Church Lady kept with the Saturday Night Live stance of being an equal opportunity offender: “Do we vote for a bitter female android from the ’90s, or a riverboat gambler with a big tummy and an orange head?” Church Lady asked, before later claiming Jost would write in his favorite candidate, Satan. (“We’ve always tried to be non-partisan,” SNL producer Lorne Michaels said in an interview earlier this year.)

Back in May, Carvey participated in the SNL cold open to mock Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as well as Texas senator Ted Cruz.

Watch the Weekend Update segment below.

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