Bernie Sanders on Trump's win: Stand up and fight back

Photo: Scott Kowalchyk/CBS

Bernie Sanders wants to see some big changes in the Democratic party in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential election.

During his Monday night appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, the Vermont Senator was asked what he would see if he were to conduct an “autopsy” of the Democratic Party — akin to what Republicans did after Mitt Romney lost to President Barack Obama in 2012. Sanders called for a transformation at the top.

“What it would say is that Democratic Party cannot be continued to be run by, what I call, the ‘liberal elite,'” he said. “Good-meaning people — they’re not my enemies, they’re partners of ours. But the party has got to transform itself to be a party that feels the pain of working-class people, of the middle-class, of low-income people, of young people, brings people into the party.”

Sanders visited Colbert’s show in New York to promote Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In, his new book, which hit shelves Tuesday. He added that the ideas espoused in the book and on his campaign appeal to most Americans — unlike Trump’s campaign promises.

“The vast majority of the American people are on our side. Trump’s views are a minority,” Sanders said. “People do not think we should give tax breaks to billionaires. They do believe we should raise the minimum wage and have pay equity for women. They do believe we should make public colleges and universities tuition free.”

He continued: “Our job right now, and this is terribly important at this moment, people ask me everyday, ‘What do we do now?’ What you do now is get involved heavily into the political process. When millions of people stand up and fight back, we will not be denied.”

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