Supernatural: Jackson Stewart talks Smallville crossover

All Crops: Supernatural/Smallville Split
Photo: Liane Hentscher/The CW; Jack Rowand/The CW

It was the super-crossover that never happened.

When Beyond the Gates director Jackson Stewart called into EW Radio’s Entertainment Weirdly show (Mondays, 1 p.m. ET, SiriusXM 105), the former production assistant on Supernatural — and co-writer of the episode “Frontierland” — told EW’s Clark Collis about his time on the hit CW show. More specifically, he mentioned one idea that they could never make work.

“There was a lot of really cool ideas that some of the writers had,” Stewart said. “They had an episode where they really wanted to do a Superman curse that was about every actor who plays Superman ends up getting killed. So they find out that Tom Welling from Smallville is next and have to save him. I thought that was one of the funniest ideas that I’d heard.”

Although Supernatural and Smallville shared a network, it’s still hard to imagine how they would’ve made that work, though now that’s all we can do. As for Stewart, you can check out his full interview on Monday, Dec. 5 at 1 p.m. ET on SiriusXM 105, and his film, Beyond the Gates, hits theaters and VOD Dec. 9.

—Reporting by Clark Collis

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