Zack Snyder shares Batman v Superman, Star Wars mash-up trailer

'Dark Side Knight vs. Superjedi'

As if assembling the Justice League wasn’t enough, Zack Snyder has combined the forces of DC Comics cinematic universe and the galaxy far, far away.

In anticipation of Rogue One, Snyder shared a trailer mash-up he made combining his Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice with Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

While those films were in production, Snyder and Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams went back and forth exchanging fun photos on social media combining their respective franchises. Now, Snyder shared his latest effort on the social media platform Vero, titling it “Dark Side Knight vs. Superjedi.”

“In anticipation of Rogue One, I wanted to share a little Star Wars fan film I made after JJ released his Hunka Junk mash-up…long overdue,” the director wrote on the social media platform Vero, where he debuted the video. (The Abrams film he’s referring to, by the way, is this one with the Millennium Falcon and Batmobile.)

Snyder’s Star Wars/Batman v Superman video has since made its way onto YouTube, with some screengrabs from the project posted online as well (via io9). Watch the video above, and see some of those images below.

Rogue One, directed by Gareth Edwards, opens in theaters next Friday. Snyder’s Justice League, meanwhile, will head to theaters next November.

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