6 Wonder Woman comics to read after seeing the movie

This assembly of stories makes for great reading after the Gal Gadot blockbuster

Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman, an already-acclaimed blockbuster that looks set to put its titular heroine back firmly in the pop culture zeitgeist, is out in theaters now. But Wonder Woman hasn’t always gotten the onscreen recognition she deserves, so viewers who walk out of the film with a newfound appreciation for Diana of Themyscira should be happy to know there are decades of great stories in her original format of comic books. Coupled with the various new re-imaginings tied to the film’s release and the character’s 75h anniversary last year, this means new fans have plenty of further reading available at their fingertips.

To help out Wonder Woman devotees new and old, EW assembled a list of the best comics featuring our No. 1 most powerful superhero. Check out the list below to find out where to go after the movie. All the collections included below are available at comic shops, bookstores, and digital comics retailers like Comixology.

Wonder Woman, vol. 1: The Lies & Wonder Woman, vol. 2: Year One

Greg Rucka (writer), Liam Sharp (artist), Nicola Scott (artist)

Last year DC rebooted its line with the Rebirth initiative, starting all its superhero books over again from issue 1 with new creative teams. The new Wonder Woman series has been one of the line’s top highlights, alternating between a present-day story about Diana struggling with her identity and reconnecting with old friends (illustrated by Liam Sharp in a dense, detailed style) and a modern retelling of her origin (illustrated by Nicola Scott in wide-eyed color). Now that both storylines are available in collected form, they make a perfect comic gateway for new Wonder Woman fans.

The Legend of Wonder Woman, vol. 1: Origins

Renae De Liz (writer/artist), Ray Dillon (artist)

Last year marked Wonder Woman’s 75th anniversary. That makes her one of DC’s longest-tenured heroes, but unfortunately, Diana’s origin and mythology are not as firmly embedded in the cultural zeitgeist as her comrades Batman and Superman. Several creators seized this opportunity to retell Wonder Woman’s origin for a new age. One of the best new origins came courtesy of writer/artist Renae De Liz, whose all-ages story evokes Wonder Woman’s world in beautiful, warm colors. A true origin story, De Liz provides background for all of Wonder Woman’s most recognizable elements, from the Lasso of Truth to the Invisible Plane. Though the film takes place during World War I, The Legend of Wonder Woman returns Diana to her original origin of World War II, and De Liz is a master at pulling off the vintage wartime aesthetic.

Wonder Woman: The Golden Age Omnibus, vol. 1

William Moulton Marston (writer), H.G. Peter (artist)

Few subsequent Wonder Woman interpretations have captured the singular weirdness of the original Marston comics. Diana’s creator imbued her with politics from the beginning, creating a radical brew of feminism, pacifism, and bondage that was unlike anything most readers had ever seen before (or since). Like most superheroes, Wonder Woman has been reinterpreted and revised since the beginning, but revisiting the original comics can give a fascinating insight into her character. Thankfully, DC has just started reprinting those old “Golden Age” comics in comprehensive omnibuses, perfect for interested readers to dive in.

Wonder Woman by George Pérez, vol. 1

George Pérez (writer/artist)

Decades before Rebirth, DC underwent one of its biggest-ever resets in the mid-‘80s. This was the era of Crisis on Infinite Earths, The Dark Knight Returns, and John Byrne’s Superman: Man of Steel – gigantic stories that revamped DC’s classic heroes for a new age. Wonder Woman was not immune to this wave and got her own reimagining courtesy of writer-artist George Pérez. Fresh off the massive success of his work on Crisis and The New Teen Titans, Pérez was at the top of his game as one of the best superhero comics artists in the game. He used the fullest extent of his powers on Wonder Woman, revamping everything from her godly foe Ares to Themyscira itself as part of a complex, interlocking saga. Thankfully, Pérez’s full story is now available in several reprint volumes.

Wonder Woman: Earth One

Grant Morrison (writer), Yanick Paquette (artist)

This non-canonical graphic novel was an earnest attempt to root a present-day Wonder Woman in some of Marston’s original themes. The provocative cover features Wonder Woman bound in chains, but like Marston before them, Grant Morrison and Yanick Paquette only bind Diana so that she can triumphantly escape her bondage again and again. Paquette’s gorgeous art makes for a truly different Themyscira, one imbued with as many futuristic science-fiction elements as Hellenistic architecture. Combined with Morrison’s trademark experimentation, it makes for a fascinating story.

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