Now even Barack Obama is talking about Pete Davidson's dating life

The former U.S. president brushes up on his Gen Z repertoire in a new voter PSA.

Barack Obama shows off his Gen Z repertoire in a new public service announcement aimed at young voters.

The former U.S. president appears in an ATTN: video that calls on folks who've turned 18 to get out and vote with a script that packs in buzzy pop culture moments to catch their attention. Euphoria season 3, Rihanna's new album (or lack thereof), and yes, even Pete Davidson's dating life are referenced in the spot shared ahead of this year's Nov. 8 midterm elections.

"For those of you who are just turning 18 and were only three or four when I was elected, my name is Barack Obama. I was the 44th president of the United States, and I have the best jump shot in White House history," he begins the spot. "I've heard a lot recently about how voting doesn't solve everything, and I can see why you might think that it won't make Outer Banks or Euphoria season three or Rihanna's new album drop any faster."

Obama continues, "It won't make sending GIFs any less cool. Wait? GIFs aren't cool anymore? Anyway, it won't even help you understand the most complicated questions in the universe, like why do I know so much about Pete Davidson's dating life?" However, he says, voting will allow "you to make your voice heard on the big issues and it reinforces the incredible work you've done between elections holding your leaders accountable."

He then points to five issues that depend on the youth vote, including a woman's right to choose, gun safety, immigration, climate change, and education. "So do your research," Obama says before pointing to the sleuthing powers of Swifties. "We know you have the skills. Who knew there were so many secrets on the new Taylor Swift album?"

Former President Obama And Former Attorney General Eric Holder Campaigns With Michigan Democrats
Barack Obama shows off his Gen Z repertoire in a new PSA aimed at young voters. Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

"I know a lot of you care more about these issues more than this kid loves corn," he continues, referencing TikTok's viral Tariq the Corn Kid. "Make sure you're registered to vote."

"President Obama knows the importance of high turnout and robust civic engagement, and has championed the right to vote and the urgent need for all Americans to be lifelong participants in our democracy," Andrea Hailey, CEO of, says of the PSA in a statement. "In this critical midterm election, it is more important than ever for voters to stay engaged and make a plan to register and get out to vote on or before Nov. 8. We encourage voters across the country to follow President Obama's example and talk to their friends, neighbors, colleagues and others, so that all of us are ready and empowered to vote. Our democracy only works if we all are committed to taking part in its care."

Watch Obama's voter PSA above.

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