Once Upon a Time Comic Con panel: 10 things we learned

Photo: Jack Rowand/ABC

The Once Upon a Time panel at New York Comic Con launched with a special screening of this Sunday’s episode, leaving fans with a lot of feelings and even more questions.

Following the viewing, the panelists — comprised of the Dark Swan herself, Jennifer Morrison, as well as show creators Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis — shared some juicy details on what’s to come the rest of the season. Ahead, what we learned about this season of Once:

1. Jennifer Morrison helped create Dark Swan’s signature outfit — though we will see her in a much lighter outfit on Sunday.

2. What happens to Henry’s relationship with his girlfriend will break your heart!

3. We’ll see Hook as a child, and we’ll meet his father, as well. Casting is currently underway for the role, said Horowitz and Kitsis.

4. Hook, Regina, and Robin Hood will work together to break into Emma’s secret room.

5. Kitsis used one word to describe the second half of the season: “HELL!” (Yikes.)

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6. Sorry, Camelot fans — there won’t be any Morgan Le Fey action this season.

7. There will be a two-hour special episode featuring an adventure led by Merida with Ruby and Mulan tagging along.

8. Soon we will be introduced to the mythology of the first Dark One. (Kitsis was probably kidding when he said that the original Dark One’s name was “Steve.”)

9. Though Hook and Henry are said to be Emma’s kryptonite, Emma will soon use both of them in order to advance her ultimate plan.

10. Someone’s heart will be getting crushed soon by Emma!

Once Upon a Time airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

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