Kate Bishop is coming to the Disney+ Hawkeye series

Kate Bishop didn’t show up in Avengers: Endgame after all — but she is coming to the Disney+ Hawkeye show.

Although there’s no official casting yet for the character, Marvel Studios confirmed at its big Hall H panel at San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday that Kate would be a part of the upcoming series starring Jeremy Renner.

It makes sense. After all, there aren’t very many solo Hawkeye stories to base a new series on; the archer has mostly spent his time as a member of groups like the Avengers. The most famous source would be the recent acclaimed solo Hawkeye comic by writer Matt Fraction and artist David Aja, which portrayed Clint Barton as the no-luck everyman of Marvel superheroes. Kate factored heavily into that comic, and the Disney+ show will clearly draw heavily on it. Marvel unveiled the official logo of the Hawkeye series Saturday, and it looks extremely similar to the one that graced Fraction and Aja’s covers.

Marvel Studios; Marvel Comics

Unlike the comic version of Clint, the MCU version has a wife and children. He was seen teaching archery to his daughter Lila in the opening moments of Endgame, before she was snapped away by Thanos (only to triumphantly return at the end of the film). Looks like Hawkeye will be taking on another archery protégée very soon.

Hawkeye is set to hit Disney+ in fall 2021 — which means there’s plenty of time to cast Kate. See below if you need a crash-course on the character.

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