Watch skinny movie star Trixie Mattel perform at Moving Parts world premiere

Photo: Mettie Ostrowski for EW

Only skinny legends get robust standing ovations.

RuPaul’s Drag Race icon, indie folk music star, and now the skinniest screen queen in Hollywood, Trixie Mattel, brought New York City’s Tribeca Film Festival audience to its feet at Thursday night’s world premiere screening of her new documentary, Moving Parts.

Following the first public showing of the film, which follows her journey from television star to self-made recording artist as she grapples with fame, re-entering the Drag Race fold as part of All-Stars 3, and fraying friendships (particularly with UNHhhh costar, Katya, who entered rehab during production), the 29-year-old performed a darkly funny stand-up set paired with an acoustic performance of tunes new and old.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Margot Robbie and this is Robert De Niro!” Trixie joked at the top of the screening, introducing herself and director Nick Zeig-Owens. “[This movie] is different than anything I’ve ever done and that you’ve ever seen me in, and I hope that carries you through the film tonight. It’s a biopsy of me as an artist and an autopsy on the art of drag as a whole.”

Trixie went on to lament the lack of nude scenes in the film, despite a particular shot of her exiting the shower and putting on a pair of red underwear (which the crowd went wild for).

“Not enough nude scenes! Same feeling!” she said. “They spent so much time filming me in the shower, they could cut an entire version of the film with just me naked. I would like to see it!”

While she showed genuine appreciation for those in attendance, Trixie also revealed that a fellow Drag Race alum, Shangela (who was shockingly eliminated from the All-Stars 3 top four by a jury vote) was absent from the presentation for a reason.

“I love you! I trust you. Trust fall!” she said, pretending to fall into the audience and playfully scolding them when no one motioned to catch her. “I noticed, when I did it, you didn’t raise your hands at all. We’ve got Team Shangela over here. Thanks so much! I’m just kidding; She was not invited. We ran out of seats.”

Finally, Trixie closed the event with a beautiful performance of the film’s titular tune, “Moving Parts,” accompanied only by her signature harp.

Trixie previously told EW the film showed both the glamorous and gritty sides to the drag industry, proving that “23 hours [of the day] aren’t champagne and runways.” In particular, the film captures the brief dissolution of Trixie’s relationship with longtime creative partner and Trixie & Katya show cohost — an unexpectedly dark subplot that candidly depicts Katya’s decision to seek treatment for substance abuse at the top of 2018.

“It’s something everybody an relate to: Two friends going through a patch that there’s no handbook to,” Trixie said. “There’s a day [in here] that was probably one of the worst days of our lives, and, surprise, it’s recorded…. We were both very uncomfortable watching it, but that’s exactly how it was and how it felt.”

Trixie Mattel: Moving Parts screens throughout the week in New York City at the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival. Watch EW’s footage from the movie’s world premiere above, and see more exclusive photos from the event below.

Mettie Ostrowski for EW
Mettie Ostrowski for EW
Mettie Ostrowski for EW

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