Oliver Stone interviewed Vladimir Putin (and it'll air on Showtime)

'The Putin Interviews' pits the famed director against the Russian president over the course of four nights

Photo: Showtime

Since Donald Trump’s electoral upset in November, a narrative has developed that the new president’s surprise victory was due to an alleged Russian influence. Government intelligence agencies issued reports connecting Russian agents to the hacking of the DNC emails, which — along with Trump’s own friendly comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin — have created a media perception that the Trump administration has ties with Putin. It’s all a little muddled, actually, so noted truth-teller Oliver Stone set out for the Kremlin to ask Putin about it himself.

The Putin Interviews will air over the course of four nights this June on Showtime. It is a notable continuation for Stone (who has interviewed world leaders from Fidel Castro to Benjamin Netanyahu) and for Showtime, which recently acquired documentaries about Whitney Houston and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

“It’s not a documentary as much as a question and answers session,” Stone told the Sydney Morning Herald. “Mr. Putin is one of the most important leaders in the world and in so far as the United States has declared him an enemy – a great enemy – I think it’s very important we hear what he has to say.”

The trailer shows Stone show up to the Kremlin and ask Putin the question on everyone’s minds: “Why did Russia hack the election?” He only gets a chuckle in response – for Putin’s real answer, viewers will have to tune in.

The Putin Interviews premieres June 12 at 9 p.m. on Showtime and will continue over the next three nights. Watch the trailer above.

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