Lindsay Lohan joins Mean Girls campaign to raise money for Vegas victims

Costars Lizzie Caplan and Rajiv Surendra also feature in the latest fundraising video

It’s October 3rd 4th and more of the Mean Girls cast are joining the totally fetch fundraising efforts to raise money for victims of the Las Vegas shooting.

The GoFundMe campaign, which launched yesterday in honor of what has come to be known as “Mean Girls Day,” has posted a video update with even more cast members, this one featuring Lindsay Lohan, Lizzie Caplan, and Rajiv Surendra.

Lohan’s video features her in a Snapchat crown filter thanking those who have donated. “That was so fetch of you,” she tells fans who’ve already donated. Surendra and Caplan get in on the action, encouraging people to continue donating to help hit the $300,000 goal.

As extra incentive, Surendra delivered his signature “Kevin G” rap from the film, while Caplan, in true Janis form, asked people to be generous instead of being a “typical selfish backstabbing slut-face hoe-bag.” Don’t just watch the video for your Mean Girls fix, donate, they urge.

You can read more about the Mean Girls fundraiser and donate here.

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