Star Wars newbie Kelly Marie Tran got super emotional at the Last Jedi premiere

Receiving your first big break is an emotional moment for anyone. But in the case of Kelly Marie Tran, her first big break is thanks to one of the biggest franchises in the world: Star Wars.

On Saturday night in Los Angeles, at the worldwide premiere of the franchise’s eighth installment, The Last Jedi, Tran definitely seemed to realize just how big this moment was for her. In the video below, a tearful Tran reunited with producer Ram Bergman on the red carpet, where he sweetly told the press: “There’s nobody better.”

There was another touching interaction with her Last Jedi costar Daisy Ridley, who was in Tran’s place just a couple of years ago at the premiere of The Force Awakens:

Tran, a 28-year-old San Diego native, landed the role of Rose Tico, a Resistance mechanic, just about a year after she was ready to give up chasing her acting dream forever.

“I still don’t really believe it’s real,” Tran told EW back in November. “Like when I’m driving past the place I used to work, or when I’m driving past the comedy studio where I used to take photos in exchange for classes, or when I’m driving past the yoga studio I used to clean on the weekends. It’s not that far removed from me yet. I get very sentimental over things like that.”

Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters Dec. 15.

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