Mark Hamill 'happy' to talk about a role in Guardians of the Galaxy 3

'Guardians' director James Gunn offers to discuss the possibility of a collaboration with the 'Stars Wars' legend over coffee

Photo: Gerardo Mora/Getty Images; Mike Marsland/WireImage

Has Mark Hamill used the Force (or Twitter, anyway) to put himself in the frame for a potential role in Guardians of the Galaxy 3? Could be!

Last Sunday, a Twitter user named Ian Fee messaged writer-director and Guardians franchise overlord James Gunn, asking if the filmmaker could do Fee a “huge favor” and find a role for Hamill in Guardians 3. Gunn tweeted back, saying that he believed the Star Wars legend actually lived around the corner from him in Malibu and that Hamill was welcome to pop round and discuss the matter over a cup of coffee. And that’s when things got really interesting, as Hamill himself responded by saying that he would be “happy to do so, both as a good neighbor & an unemployed actor.” After that, the metaphorical wheels did almost come off the Millennium Falcon thanks to some direct message confusion, but this seems to have now been cleared up.

Read the full conversation, below.

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