Mark Hamill gives advice to young girl afraid to wear Star Wars shirt to school

'The Force is, & always will be strong with females here on Earth & in galaxies far, far away'

Time for another feel-good moment…

Mark Hamill, a longtime star of the Star Wars franchise and defender of Star Wars fans everywhere, offered some advice for a young girl afraid to sport her fangirl pride at school.

“My 7 year old daughter’s crying in bed right now because she wants to wear her Star Wars t-shirt to school but is scared her classmates will laugh because she likes ‘boy stuff,'” a mother wrote on Twitter this week. “I’m so sad/angry for her. Please RT and comment so I can show her how awesome girl #StarWars fans are.”

Hamill caught wind of it and gave her official permission from Luke Skywalker to dust off the haters.

“Just tell her to feel free to use this gesture if her classmates give her any grief,” the actor wrote back, using a gif of Skywalker brushing off Kylo Ren’s attack in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. “‘Boy stuff’? PLEASE! The Force is, & always will be strong with females here on Earth & in galaxies far, far away.”

The Last Jedi, directed by Rian Johnson, reignited a fervor among fans online over the prominence of female and inclusive roles — including Daisy Ridley as Rey, Kelly Marie Tran as Rose Tico, and Laura Dern as Vice Admiral Holdo.

Star Wars is a big galaxy, and you can sort of find almost anything you want to in Star Wars.,” said J.J. Abrams, who is returning to helm Episode IX after directing The Force Awakens. “If you are someone who feels threatened by women and needs to lash out against them, you can probably find an enemy in Star Wars.”

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