Maggie Smith, Judi Dench lead gossipy gathering of cinema legends in Tea with the Dames trailer

The eccentric, tell-all sisterhood of Sex and the City is great, of course, but have you ever spent time with four of the greatest grand dames in cinema history as they share decades’ worth of Hollywood gossip over drinks? If not, consider the just-released trailer for Roger Michell’s documentary Tea with the Dames your invitation to join Judi Dench, Joan Plowright, Eileen Atkins, and Maggie Smith for the all-time juiciest spot of afternoon tea.

Following the legendary actresses across a single day, the session gets off to a shady start right from the get-go as the women pose for a photo while cutting the crew down to size.

“That’s an awful angle. It’s not fair to old ladies,” Atkins quips as Smith cackles before asking an off-camera photographer, “Is it your first day?”

From there, things get even better.

“F— off, Roger!” Dench yells when the director asks the women to talk about getting “old.” Though she later opens up about the topic when Plowright asks her to recite what she told an unnamed member of production before joining the 1987 National Theatre production of Antony and Cleopatra: “[I said] ‘Are you sure you want a menopausal dwarf to play this part?'” Dench remembers as the ladies laugh around her.

Finally, amid other discussions of past husbands, iconic roles, and periods of their lives they’d rather forget (“I don’t think you and I needed the ’60s,” Atkins tells Dench at one point), Plowright finally says what’s on everyone’s mind near the end of the clip: “Do you think we ought to have a glass of champagne ’round this one?”

Bottoms up, ladies.

Tea with the Dames is in theaters on Sept. 21. Watch the full trailer above.

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