Felicity Jones champions equality as Ruth Bader Ginsburg in new On the Basis of Sex trailer

Felicity Jones lays the iron-willed foundation for the rise of an icon in the new trailer for her upcoming Ruth Bader Ginsburg biopic On the Basis of Sex.

Directed by The Leftovers producer Mimi Leder, the historical legal drama follows Bader Ginsburg’s inaugural case as a budding lawyer, in which she and husband Marty (Armie Hammer) defended a bachelor who was refused a specific Social Security benefit because he was a man. The landmark case impacted more than 100 discriminatory laws and jump-started Ginsburg’s career en route to her appointment as the second female justice on the Supreme Court in 1993.

“That’s what’s fascinating about Ruth. She fights for both men and women,” Jones, whose central performance is expected to be a player in the upcoming awards race, told EW ahead of the film’s premiere at AFI Fest last week. “Equality for everyone ultimately creates a much better society. Stereotypical gender roles are limiting for everyone.”

Leder called the film “a love story” that charts the Ginsburgs’ marriage at its core, as Marty provides support for his wife throughout her illustrious career from her time at Harvard Law and her contributions to the American Civil Liberties Union to their shared union in raising a family.

“It’s a film about finding power on a personal level,” explained Leder. “I wanted to make a story about how change can happen.”

On the Basis of Sex — also starring Sam Waterston, Kathy Bates, and Justin Theroux — is set for theatrical release Dec. 25. Watch the new trailer above.

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