Tom Holland continues spoiler streak, reveals Avengers: Endgame death on Graham Norton Show

Photo: Isabel Infantes/PA Images/Getty Images

Whoever first let Tom Holland in on all the big Marvel Cinematic Universe secrets is probably regretting that decision now.

The Spider-Man: Far From Home star is well-known by now for revealing massive spoilers on social media and in interviews, and it looks like his spoiler streak isn’t over yet. Holland appeared on The Graham Norton Show on Friday night and once again revealed some highly classified intel: Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) dies at the end of Avengers: Endgame.

“The film is a direct continuation of Avengers: Endgame so we deal with the ramifications of the blip, of the death of Tony Stark,” Holland said while discussing the upcoming Spider-Man sequel. “Sorry if anyone hasn’t seen the film! If you haven’t, then you’re living under a rock, to be honest.”

Of course, this particular spoiler is one that most of the world already knew as Avengers: Endgame premiered in theaters over a month and a half ago. And Endgame directors the Russo Brothers have actually lifted the ban on spoilers last month, so it’s perfectly fine for Holland to be talking about that big death on TV (especially when promoting Spider-Man: Far From Home, which is being described as a direct sequel to Endgame).

But some Graham Norton viewers had yet to see the second biggest film of all time at the box office and took to Twitter to air their anger (and amusement) at Holland.

This is hardly the first time Holland revealed sensitive information about the MCU. From accidentally revealing Spider-Man: Far From Home‘s title on social media to the time he said during an interview that Marvel plans to make the Spider-Man films into a trilogy to that time he walked into a packed Avengers: Infinity War theater before the film started and shouted, “I’m alive!” thereby spoiling the big ending, Holland has quite the rap sheet of spoiling MCU secrets. The Russo Brothers even told IndieWire that because of his inability to keep spoilers secret, Holland didn’t even get to read the Endgame script.

“Yeah, Tom Holland does not get the script,” Joe said. “Tom Holland gets his lines and that’s it. He doesn’t even know who he’s acting opposite of. We use like, very vague terms to describe to him what is happening in the scene. He has a very difficult time keeping his mouth shut.”

And for that, we thank him. Keep those (mild) spoilers coming, Holland. They certainly make things interesting. At least he’s not as bad as Mark Ruffalo spoiling the end of Infinity War a year before its release. Oops.

Spider-Man: Far From Home hits theaters July 2.

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