See Drag Race star Kylie Sonique Love in major movie debut Dope Queens, about San Francisco's iconic trans district

EW exclusively reveals first-look photos of the RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars 6 winner's first big-screen role alongside Hustlers' Trace Lysette and Empire's Alexandra Grey.

Kylie Sonique Love famously tripped during the last lip-sync of the RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars 6 finale, but she landed with a crown — and a role in her first major movie, Dope Queens, which EW can exclusively debut a sizzling first look at below.

Dope Queens
Kylie Sonique Love, Pierson Fodé, Trace Lysette, and Alexandra Grey star in the new movie 'Dope Queens'. TomorrowLand Productions

Written and directed by Grafton Reyes Doyle, the film is billed as a vibrant romantic thriller that follows three friends (Empire's Alexandra Grey, The Man From Toronto's Pierson Fodé, and Hustlers actress Trace Lysette) over the course of a wild night on the gritty streets of San Francisco's Tenderloin district. Kylie plays Monika, a queen of the local DIVAS club who's a fierce performer with a striking exterior and a playful personality. She ultimately warns the group about the city's streets, the dangers of which her fellow queen Sheba (Krystal Thomas) is all too familiar with.

The film is one of few pieces of mainstream media to explore the Tenderloin region, the home of Compton's Transgender Cultural District, the first legally recognized transgender district in the world that encompasses six blocks of the city. It takes its name from Compton's Cafeteria Riots of 1966, one of the first documented trans uprisings in United States history.

Dope Queens
Kylie Sonique Love as Monika in 'Dope Queens'. TomorrowLand Productions

"It's a new story for a trans person. There's been a lot of tragedy for trans people," Kylie previously told EW of the significance of her Drag Race victory. "This can be a story that a lot of people can relate to in life, not just a trans person: Going through hardships, pushing through, and staying true to yourself and not looking for permission to be who you are. You do what makes you happy, as long as you're not hurting anyone. Trans people are no different than anyone else. We have our awkward moments in life, we have our fabulous moments in life, we all come from somewhere."

Dope Queens
Alexandra Grey and Trace Lysette in 'Dope Queens'. TomorrowLand Productions

Producers who worked on the project include Julio Lopez Velazquez (Buck Run) and John Reyes Doyle (On Our Way), alongside co-producer Eugene Koh, who shot the Oscar-nominated short film Feeling Through.

Dope Queens is expected to release in the summer of 2022 via TomorrowLand Productions. See EW's exclusive first-look photos from the new movie above and below.

Dope Queens
'Dope Queens' releases in the summer of 2022. TomorrowLand Productions
Dope Queens
The cast of 'Dope Queens'. TomorrowLand Productions
Dope Queens
Alexandra Grey and Trace Lysette in 'Dope Queens'. TomorrowLand Productions

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