Avril Lavigne tops list of most dangerous people online

She's in good company

Searching for Avril Lavigne on the internet is incredibly risky, according toMcAfee.

In their annual poll, the cybersecurity company concluded that the princess of pop-punk’s name is most likely to bring users to malware-heavy websites, leading to a high risk of cyber attacks.

The “Sk8er Boi” singer faced tough competition on McAfee’s list this year, beating out the likes of Bruno Mars, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Zayn Malik. In its report, McAfee explained that “cybercriminals continue to use the fascination of consumers with celebrity culture to drive unsuspecting users to potentially malicious websites that can be used to install malware, steal personal information and even passwords.”

Here is the complete top 10 list:

1. Avril Lavigne — 14.51 percent
2. Bruno Mars — 13.43 percent
3. Carly Rae Jepsen — 13.19 percent
4. Zayn Malik — 13.06 percent
5. Celine Dion — 12.92 percent
6. Calvin Harris — 12.48 percent
7. Justin Bieber — 12.33 percent
8. Diddy — 12.32 percent
9. Katy Perry — 12.25 percent
10. Beyoncé (search was conducted with “Beyonce”) — 12.09 percent

Searching “Avril Lavigne” online gives users a 14.5 percent chance of reaching a risky site, but it rises to 22.5 percent when users search for “Avril Lavigne MP3s.” This isn’t the first time Lavigne’s been associated with the dark, dangerous corners of the web — she previously sat at No. 2 on McAfee’s 2013 list.

Lavigne has taken a break from the music scene for the past few years in the midst of her battle with Lyme disease. The recovering singer announced on Instagram at the end of 2016 that she plans to release new music soon, and she said in August that a new album is in the works. She got a warm-up for the comeback with her ex Chad Kroeger at a Nickelback concert earlier this month, taking the stage for the first time in nearly three years.

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