Shailene Woodley, Amber Heard, and more ding Trump in 'Alternative Constitution' sketch

Critics of President Donald Trump have argued his recent itravel and refugee ban is unconstitutional, but some famous folks including Shailene Woodley, Amber Heard, and Cara Delevingne have an explanation for his controversial actions — namely, an Alternative Constitution.

A star-studded new satirical video from Funny or Die posits the existence of a sort of evil twin to the nation’s founding document, which somehow made its way into Trump’s hands.

“He’s working from the wrong Constitution and he doesn’t even know it,” Delevingne says.

While the real Constitution protects religious freedom, Heard explains, “Trump’s alt-Constitution goes a bit further than that, adding, ‘But if a handsome, brave, scared president makes an executive order that favors one religion over another, he shall only experience pure ecstasy.'”

The four-minute video also contends that Trump has been looking at the wrong version of the Statue of Liberty, one whose plaque reads, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, so that we may lock them in tiny rooms for days, only to send them back where we think they came from. Fear outsiders.”

As Susan Sarandon chimes in, “It just keeps repeating that ‘Fear outsiders’ part.” Get the whole story in the video above (which contains some profane language).

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