Finding Carter recap: The Death of the Heart

A good party involves a church, drugs, and at least one death ... right?


I don’t know about you all, but when I think back on my teenage years, I don’t think about proms, first crushes, and homework. Nope, I think about death, drugs, and domestic violence. I’m kidding, of course, because my name is not Carter and when I was 17, I was more worried about getting my braces off than I was about lying to the police about the guy that just overdosed at my party.

But that’s enough about me. Let’s talk about Carter:

The Teenage World

Before we get to the dead body, let’s catch up on everything that led up to the big overdose. First, Carter has fully moved in with Jared, but it doesn’t take very long for their honeymoon stage to come to an end … because nothing will kill romance like someone breaking into your apartment.

But because Carter’s the most unshakable teen in the history of the world, she’s less bothered by the incident and more worried about what comes next. Her idea? Make their parties legit and make more money. Yep, Carter’s becoming a real business woman (but still one that lies by using her fake ID to rent party venues).

After welcoming Ben back into her life — and convincing him to ask Lori if Olivia can move in once she’s out of rehab — Carter fills Elizabeth in on her life. Of course, the whole living-with-Jared thing doesn’t go over too well, but Carter remains unfazed. She’s got a party to plan, and she’s found the perfect venue: a church! Because nothing says “the perfect place for underage drinking” like a church.

And nothing says safety like having a gun in your apartment, right? Well, that’s Jared’s thinking, but Carter is not a fan. (Remember that her last boyfriend accidentally shot and nearly killed Max.) Jared promises to get rid of it, but first, they have to meet up with the gang to find out Bird’s big news: Seth has landed a residency in New York, and she has landed an internship at an art gallery. So basically, she and Seth are moving to New York for the summer, and Damon is super bummed.

However, he’s not as bummed as Ben when he asks Lori if Olivia can stay with them and she straight-up says no. To be fair, it’s because she’s having trouble getting a job and can’t afford it. Luckily, Carter — the teenager! — offers to chip in some money so Lori agrees … but not until after Ben tells Jared that he’ll keep selling drugs for him.

Spoiler: Ben is not the most discreet person, so it takes Carter about five minutes to catch him dealing and kick him out of their party. Jared, however, is much more discreet, so Carter still has no idea that he’s behind the drug dealing, not to mention the fact that he owes some guy $40,000 to pay back a loan. To make matters worse, Jared brought his gun to the party for, you know, extra security. (Because having a party in a church wasn’t weird enough, he brought a gun.)

NEXT: R.I.P. Seth

Oh, it gets better: Seth overdoses and dies at the party. Jared reveals his true self by moving the body outside and telling the cops that he didn’t even know the guy. He then tells Carter that she’s “safe.” Ummm, you’re the worst, dude. That’s literally the least assuring thing coming from you.

Elsewhere, Max is also dealing with the cops. See, while everyone else went to the party, Max and Taylor went to visit Max’s mom to see how she’s doing now that Max’s dad is getting out of prison. But the thing is … Max’s dad beats them to the house, and he’s already got Max’s mom convinced that he’s “changed.”

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Max and Taylor stay for dinner to try and convince Max’s super young, super hot, super dumb mother to move closer to them. But when Max watches his father take a sip of a beer, he loses it. Provoking his father by calling him a loser — the same thing his mother called him the night he nearly killed her — Max gets a visit from his childhood: His father starts punching him when Taylor calls the cops.

Just like that, dad’s back in a police car, and hopefully, Max’s mom will move out of that horrible house.

The Adult World

This week, Elizabeth is super, super, almost unbearably lonely and jealous. After seeing Lori and Carter bonding at the bar, she even goes so far as to pull Lori over for absolutely no reason. And that, of course, makes Carter even angrier with her. The moral of the story is that there is no trust between Elizabeth and Carter and that really sucks.

But at least Elizabeth has Grant. (P.S. Where is David? Didn’t she ask him to come home?)

What did you think of the episode? Hit the comments with your thoughts or find me on Twitter @samhighfill.

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