Grandfathered recap: My Amal

Jimmy is looking for love, and Vanessa is looking for lust.

Photo: Fox

This week’s Grandfathered episode begins with Grandpa Jimmy chilling at his pad with Edie. His intention is to get some work done while his granddaughter watches TV, but he soon gets invested in a children’s show when he hears Snoop Dogg’s voice — and who can blame him, really?

While his daughter hangs out with his father, Gerald is getting romantic advice from his young neighbor, who Jimmy describes as a “prepubescent ninja.” It’s up for debate as to whether or not the kid even has armpit hair, but Gerald, as always, will try anything to win over Vanessa.

When Sara tries to set her son up with an attractive coworker of hers, Gerald isn’t interested, but Jimmy is — and he asks Sara to set him up. She says no, presumably because her coworker is out of his league. And so Jimmy’s next mission is laid out for him.

He heads to Sara’s office the next day, intent on finding her coworker Heidi’s office. (He’s naturally enlisted Annelise’s help: “When you said my job would be 90 percent restaurant-related, were you mistaken or just lying?”) He wants, he tells Sara, to be tamed like Amal Clooney did to George. Sara scoffs and insists that he only wants what he can’t have.

He’s annoying enough that Sara agrees to take him to Heidi, who agrees to go out with him. “Why not?” she says. “He’s attractive.” She’s in the middle of conducting a therapy session, and what do you know, it’s Joey from Full House! Apparently now he feels like he’s invisible to everyone, poor guy. His brief appearance concludes when he agrees that Jimmy is attractive, and our satisfied star leaves Heidi alone to plan their date night.

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Gerald has a big evening planned as well. He’s freshening up for Vanessa, including spraying cologne down his pants — yum. Vanessa comes in with a new haircut and a new plan. “You want to have sex?” she asks Gerald. Not surprisingly, he agrees.

“Someone’s got some new moves,” she says when the deed is done. “Well that’s because someone read a book about female sexuality that was recommended in Lena Dunham’s newsletter,” he replies.

Vanessa, inspired by Gerald’s new sexual prowess, suggests that they become friends with benefits who meet up a few times per week for repeat performances. Gerald, while hesitant because he also wants more, quickly agrees.

At the restaurant, everyone is preparing for Jimmy’s date. Jimmy serves Heidi a $300 wine bottled on her birthday. The staff has clearly got this down. A waitress drops food so Jimmy can be a hero about it. Ravi approaches Jimmy and pretends that Lionel Richie is outside waiting for him. Jimmy is clearly not too familiar with the phrase “over the top.”

NEXT: Vanessa comes back for round two with Gerald

When Gerald comes into the restaurant the next day and fills his dad in on the Vanessa situation, Jimmy high fives him. “Do you hear that?” Jimmy yells to his staff. “She wants to use him for his body.” A conflicted Gerald replies, “But I want her to use me for my heart too.” The kitchen boos.

And then, tragedy — Heidi turns Jimmy down for a second date. Jimmy binges on tiny fat-free Italian ice and goes to Sara to complain. Sara fixes it by stealing his phone, pretending to be Jimmy, and apologizing for coming across for an “arrogant, flashy dope.” She lands him a second date. To receive more of her sage advice, Jimmy agrees to run an errand with her in Palm Springs.

While the parents are away, Vanessa comes back for round two with Gerald. Not surprisingly, Gerald acts super weird and scares her away. Luckily, she later shows back up; this time they skip the awkward part and get straight to business.

Meanwhile, Jimmy and Sara are arguing about why Jimmy isn’t successful in dating. Sara says it’s because he’s too worried about being perfect rather than being authentic. At this point, Jimmy begins to fiddle with the air conditioner and causes the car to break down 2 miles away from the nearest rest stop. Their quick errand has now turned into a struggle to make it through the hot California landscape as they laugh and tease each other along the way. Fall in love already, please.

When they arrive, Jimmy can’t go into gas station because there’s a basset hound on a pink leash. As it turns out, he’s terrified of dogs — all dogs. Sara holds his hand and helps him through the door. Again, fall in love, please. When they finally get the coolant they need for the air conditioner and head back to Sara’s, it seems like maybe she is disappointed he’s still going on a date. But she still gives him tips, and he leaves her with an awkward handshake.

In the guesthouse, Vanessa is realizing that maybe she wants something more than a friend with benefits. But what if she and Gerald end up hating each other? They don’t want to be the kind of family that drops the kid off without communicating at all. They decide they shouldn’t do this for Edie’s sake — but one last benefit wouldn’t hurt.

The episode ends with Jimmy calling Sara to tell her he had a nice time earlier in the day, despite the fact that Heidi is in the background at his house toweling off. He tells her he was on the phone with his grandma and leaves us with the same question we’ve had since the first episode: When are Sara and Jimmy going to get together?

Most millennial moments:

“Do you still have to be in court next month for selling those library books?” —Gerald to Vanessa.

“Well, that’s because someone read a book about female sexuality that was recommended in Lena Dunham’s newsletter.” —Gerald to Vanessa.

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