Nashville recap: 'Hurricane'

YouTube killed the radio star

Nashville CMT_507_D8-899.raf
Photo: Jake Giles Netter/CMT

This week’s episode of Nashville pretty much centers around three couples, so let’s break it down that way:

Rayna and Deacon (and pesky Gene):

We start the episode with Deacon writing a song about his first kiss with Rayna — but they have different ideas about when that first kiss actually took place. This moment of disconnection and confusion pretty much sets the tone of the Rayna/Deacon story line for the rest of the episode.

Their playful bickering is interrupted by the arrival of a videographer named Gene Buckholder. Zach wants to capture the magic of their making a duet record, but they’re not too enthused by the idea. Rayna’s eager to set some limitations on what Gene’s allowed to shoot — and it pretty much encompasses anything and everything. When Rayna calls Zach later to tell him that this behind-the-scenes, intimate look at their lives won’t work, he admonishes her for not changing with the times and assures her that the fans will eat this up. Everyone is obsessed with YouTube these days, Rayna, come on now.

That night Rayna can’t sleep because she’s thinking about Maddie and Clay (who’s too old for her). Deacon is too tired to really discuss this with her, so she tries to switch gear and talk about ideas for the first song on their record. Deacon is pretty much like, “Damn it, woman. It’s 3 a.m.!,” but nicer because he’s Mr. Calm and Reasonable these days. She’s sad because it used to be so easy for them to write songs together — they could practically even do it in their sleep.

Things don’t get any easier in the daytime. Deacon’s waxing on about their time apart and how it felt like they were still together even when they weren’t — but Rayna isn’t on the same page. That time was completely different for her. She wants to write about feeling homesick for a place you’ve never been to. I’m no song writer, but I’m confused how that relates to the whole “let’s tell the story of our relationship” concept?

Anyway, Ray’s ready to give up on it for now, but Deacon has an idea to get them motivated: bowling. First, they have to do some car-chase stunts to ditch Gene, who’s following them (clearly Deacon has forgotten he nearly killed Rayna in a car wreck a few seasons back). At the bowling alley, they’re giddy and cute. Their chemistry is almost as believable as Coach and Tami Taylor’s… almost.

Unfortunately, though, the bowling date doesn’t render any results. So the troubled duo head to a bridge to find some inspiration. Deacon suggests that they write individually. Rayna, rather unfairly, accuses him of quitting and throws a bunch of his past indiscretions in his face. Deacon points out that this is exactly why he didn’t want to make this album in the first place; it seems they can’t touch their pain without hurting one another in the process. They both tear up and don’t know how to proceed. Womp.

But the next day, Ray and Deacon do make amends. After an emotional moment where they stand on either sides of the door as if they can feel one another’s presence through it (Gene’s totally kicking himself that he missed it), they end up snuggled on the couch and conclude that everything worked out the way it was supposed to in their relationship. Rayna reads Deacon some lyrics she wrote while they weren’t talking that just so happen to match perfectly with some music he’s written. And they’re off — they’re writing songs like they’re carefree in their 20s all over again. I sense a HUGE music video in their future. Watch out, YouTube.

Speaking of YouTube sensations, let’s check in with Scunnar.

NEXT: Kathie Lee and Hoda make a cameo!

Scarlett and Gunnar (and possibly Damien):

The Exes are chatting over coffee, and Scarlett is pondering whether she should have done something else with her life. I honestly don’t think anything would truly make Scarlett happy, so she may as well just stick with music… especially since their music video is such a hit. It just reached over 1 million views on YouTube! (Apparently it’s less disturbing to the general public’s eyes than mine.) Even Kathie Lee and Hoda are fans. Scarlett, Gunnar, and Damien make an appearance on their show to promote the masterpiece, but Gunnar is a little disgruntled to find no one is really interested in talking to him about it (is he even in it?) and even more pissed when Scarlett and Damien seem to forge a bond.

That night Scar has dinner with Damien. He admits he was a jerk to her on the video shoot, and Scarlett doesn’t disagree. Soon enough they’re having a lovely time: Scarlett’s sharing her life story and they’re toasting to striking gold. The next day, Scarlett bumps into Damien on his way out of town. She thanks him for everything and goes in for the handshake. For a minute it seems like that’s where it’ll end, but then, of course, there’s a hug and a kiss. It’s brief, but when Damien walks away, Scarlett smiles to herself.

When she gets home to Gunnar’s place, Scarlett admits that she feels something for Damien, and Gunnar says he isn’t surprised; the question now is what she’s going to do with those feelings. She says she’s going to do nothing with them since he’s already left town. WRONG ANSWER, SCARLETT. Gunnar is (understandably) pissed, but Scarlett’s confused and thinks she should get credit for being honest.

Later, when they go out for food, Scarlett is hounded for autographs by YouTube savvy teens while Gunnar goes unnoticed — he’s having a great day. They sit down to eat and Scarlett’s mad that Gunnar isn’t talking to her. (Am I the only one that’s fully on Team Gunnar here?) She brings up the way he’s treated her in the past and pretty much tells him he has no right to be upset. Question: Did Gunnar ever actually cheat on her? Am I forgetting some major hiccup in their relationship that makes Scarlett’s behavior justifiable? Anyway, she tells him he should just be happy that she’s there with him. Later in bed they try and reconcile while Scarlett’s phone is blowing up with texts from Damien telling her he never left town and needs to see her.

At least Maddie and Clay are in a good place… kind of.

NEXT: Clay tells Maddie the truth

Maddie and Clay (and poor Daphne):

The youngsters are hanging out listening to music at Clay’s place when Maddie suggests she stay the night with him. Clay thinks she wants to be a rebel and piss her parents off, but he warns her that he’s not good at relationships; as soon as it gets serious, he’s gone. He tells her that he doesn’t want to fall for her, but the ever-modest Maddie tells him that he already has. Must be nice to be a mind reader.

While Rayna and Deacon are out on their date night, there’s some serious girl talk going on in the kitchen between Maddie and Daphne while they bake a cake. It lasts all of three minutes before Clay arrives and Maddie ushers him off to her bedroom. Next thing you know, Rayna and Deacon are back and the cake is burnt. Poor Daphne must have forgotten to take it out of the oven in her abandonment.

Rayna is not pleased to have come home to find a smoke-filled house and Clay hanging out — she wants to know where Maddie was while the cake was burning. Maddie, of course, is being difficult and rude and acting like Ray is in the wrong for even coming home. Meanwhile, Clay tries to distract Deacon by detailing how big a fan of his work he is. He makes the mistake of telling Deacon that he was at one of his shows eight years ago. Deacon does some quick math and doesn’t look pleased. Either Clay is older the 24 years he claimed or he was sneaking into music venues illegally at age 16.

Later, Maddie apologizes to her little sister and explains that love really hurts and feels like “You’ve sewn someone else’s skin on top of yours and you can never take it off without feeling like you’ve just been ripped apart.” Daphne looks bummed. The kid has just developed her first crush, Maddie, don’t ruin it for her.

And that’s really all the progress we make with the Maddie/Clay story line (very little). Here’s hoping next week we pick up the pace a little on all fronts.

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