''The Real World'': Davis tries to change teams

On ''The Real World,'' gay Davis and straight Brooke take their flirtation too far; plus, Stephen sort of plays the field, and Jenn fights with him and Alex


”The Real World”: Davis tries to change teams

Have we really reached the point on this show where there are no interesting story lines left to tell and the cast members have to create some? I know! How about having a straight girl and an openly gay guy get together? Wouldn’t that be fun and so controversial? Not exactly. Brooke and Davis’ flirty behavior might (I repeat: might) have been cute if Brooke weren’t so annoying and Davis weren’t so, well, gay. How awkward was it when she said, ”Davis, if you don’t stop, I really am just going to f— you”? Maybe he’s turned on by the fact that she’s always walking around in her underwear. Or maybe the guys in the house repulse him so much (can you blame him?) that he feels forced to turn his attention to the ladies.

I’m still wondering what the heck Brooke meant when she said to Tyrie the night after she apparently slept in Davis’ bed, ”I think that the only reason why he did that was not because he really wanted to but because he thought that was what I wanted.” What was the ”that” supposed to mean in the sentence? C’mon RW producers, fill in the blanks for us! Was it just flirting? Kissing? More? In any case, I’m glad Ty was around to offer some of his hilarious perspective on a ridiculous situation: ”The possibility of Brooke and Davis hooking up is the same possibility as me turning white.”

I wonder what the possibility is of Jenn getting her eyebrows fixed so they’re not pencil-thin and overly arched? Seriously, it’s really been bothering me lately. Not as much as, say, her alcoholism, but at least she’s not drunk all the time (er, scratch that). Did she make a checklist of people she needs to drunkenly scream at while in Denver? Ty, check. Alex, check. Stephen, check. Okay, so Stephen deserved the dose of reality, just maybe not an all-out attack by Jenn and her horrific brows.

I don’t understand how Stephen — or any guy who has ever been on a reality show for that matter — thinks it’s okay to outright cheat on his girlfriend And with hoochies! (Ty’s word, not mine.) Seriously, how dumb did those hot-tubbing girls look when one of them said, ”We’ve always considered ourselves soul mates.” (Translation: ”We’re totally cool with kissing each other just to get on MTV.”) I loved how Stevo tried to explain away being unfaithful to his girlfriend, Mercii, by saying, ”I don’t feel guilty about what’s going on — it’s a game. I’m not making out with these girls because I like them or anything of that sort.” It’s a game? Please! We’ll see how Mercii feels about that one, won’t we?

Maybe Mercii should take out her anger on Alex, who seems to love being a catalyst for drama in the house. Alex is a complete hypocrite, and I loved that we viewers at home got to witness his lies. First, his advice to Stephen on how to deal with Jenn was ”What I think you should do is learn as much as you can about her, and the next time something comes up, you kill her where it hurts.” Then when Jenn confronted Alex about his cruel plan, he retorted, ”I never said that. I said he should never do that, and I would never do that.” It got better: Later, when crying (wow — that’s two guys who have cried on this season so far!) about this in front of Ty, Alex said, ”I’m really upset right now not because of how she feels, or whatever happened tonight.” And then he said to Jenn’s face, ”I cried because I was…sad that you were sad.”

What do you think? How many more fights will Stephen cause between his roommates? Will Davis and Brooke come to their senses? Will Mercii come to visit? Will Alex stop being a hypocrite? And finally, will Jenn fix her eyebrows?

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