Airbnb's Super Bowl ad celebrates acceptance of all people


Airbnb’s doors are open to everyone.

During the Super Bowl on Sunday, the popular homestay network debuted a commercial celebrating acceptance of all people.

“We believe no matter who you are, where you’re from, who you love, or who you worship, we all belong,” the commercial’s text reads as close-ups of a diverse group of people appear. “The world is more beautiful the more you accept. #weaccept.”

The spot comes in the midst of controversy brewing over President Donald Trump’s immigration ban. Upon airing during the Super Bowl broadcast, the video immediately received praise from Twitter users, including House of Cards creator Beau Willimon. “Well done @Airbnb You deserve some trending for that. #weaccept,” tweeted Willimon, who on Friday called for Trump’s impeachment.

Watch the commercial below.

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