Superstore: Ben Feldman on 'adorable' outfits and fake news

SUPERSTORE -- "Wellness Fair"
Photo: Evans Vestal Ward/NBC

Every week, the cast and crew of NBC's megastore-comedy, Superstore, are taking EW readers behind the scenes of each episode. This week, actor Ben Feldman, who plays Jonah, clues us in on what really went down in episode 15 of season 2, "Wellness Fair."

This week on Superstore, we continue to see the mesmerizing brilliance that led NBC to order a full third season of their favorite show in the history of television. Owen Ellickson wrote this episode and if you don't already follow him on Twitter, you're probably doing everything else wrong too.

We begin with Amy telling Dina and Glenn that she's too sick to come into work but we soon realize that she's actually playing hooky with her daughter at the movies. Both America Ferrera and Isabella Day (playing her daughter, Emma) are adorable in their Midwest winter hats and scarves. Coincidentally, Mateo and Jeff are also at the movies and Amy spots them kiss, which in and of itself is also adorable as they too are wearing matching winter coats and scarves.

The next day, Amy (wearing an adorable black blouse) continues her lie to Dina about being sick while Sandra lies about fake boyfriend Jeff taking her to Paris. We learn from Garrett, in his adorable green shirt, that today is the Health and Wellness Fair. Glenn's enthusiasm for said fair is stifled by Jonah (in an absolutely adorable red plaid shirt) when he perceives an implied air of preeminence vis-a-vis Jonah's intellect. And thus begins Glenn and Jonah's episode-long bout to assert dominance.

Elsewhere, Nichole Bloom's Cheyenne surprises NOBODY by being wildly adorable in pink. Amy tells her and Garrett what she saw at the movies and they struggle not to tell her what they knew all along: Jeff and Mateo have been together for awhile and Sandra's relationship with Jeff is a ruse.

ARTEMIS PEBDANI IS ON SUPERSTORE! A case could be made that she's never looked more adorable than in her nurse's uniform with an elegant pop of purple from beneath. She and Jonah bond over being more knowledgeable than Glenn, who apparently owns multiple copies of Babe 2, a movie that I learned on set is insanely dark and creepy and probably shouldn't be shown to children.

Dina gives Garrett condoms while Amy confronts Mateo. Side note: America Ferrera has absolutely mastered the art of awkward brain fart half-sentences. Meanwhile, Marcus (Jon Barinholtz in the most adorable blue sweatshirt known to man) has found out about Mateo/Jeff and is telling everyone and Glenn has clearly never been on a bike before.

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Amy, trying to rein in Sandra's web of lies with the help of Cheyenne, accidentally makes it worse by spreading more FAKE NEWS: Sandra is also pregnant and might not keep the baby. SAD! Glenn and Jonah fight over a woman's right to choose until Glenn faints because he's used to drinking gallons of juice every day and it's all resolved in the break room as the truth comes out and Glenn grapples with the news that gay men can be as "blah" as Jeff. It is with oft-contentious discourse of the American zeitgeist such as this that Superstore has fast become required viewing for patriots and anarchists alike, and thus, provided a rare cultural bond that shall heal the wounds of this great nation. Also, the show ends with Jonah and Glenn looking adorable in matching winter scarves.

Superstore airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET on NBC.

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