The Hot Seat: Once Upon a Time bosses answer your burning Qs

Before Once Upon a Time returns from its long hiatus, EW put OUAT executive producers Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis in The Hot Seat, where they have the option of answering your questions from Twitter and Reddit with “Yes,” “No,” or “Can’t say.” Get the scoop below:

Will we find out where Emma got the last name of Swan?
EDWARD KITSIS: It’s coming Sunday.

Will Henry’s role as the author come into play this season?

Will Emma and Hook have a duet together in the upcoming musical episode?
HOROWITZ: Can’t say.

Will we learn anything about Hook’s mother?
HOROWITZ: Not this year.

Will we see more Charming and Hook adventures?

Will we ever see Regina use the power of light magic again?
KITSIS: I would say that Regina is such a reformed character that her magic is often a blend of both.

Does Wish Realm Robin have the lion tattoo?
KITSIS: Absolutely.

Will this “wish” version of Robin meet The Evil Queen?
KITSIS: Can’t say.

Will we get any more Snowing flashbacks?

Will we see the Enchanted Forest in present day this season?
KITSIS: Can’t say.

Will Rumple and Belle be singing in the musical episode?
HOROWITZ: Can’t say.

Will we see the chipped cup again?
KITSIS: Maybe.

Are you planning any tributes/nods to the live-action Beauty and the Beast?

Is there a possibility Gideon will be de-aged?
KITSIS: Can’t say.

Should we be worried about the power the Black Fairy possesses more than Gideon?

Will anyone from Storybrooke be traveling to Agrabah to assist Aladdin and Jasmine?

Are we going to see more Saviors other than Emma and Aladdin?
KITSIS: Yes, we will see another Savior other than them this year.
HOROWITZ: We will. Put us down for a yes.

Will there be a True Love’s Kiss this season?
HOROWITZ: Can’t say.

Will there be any curses this season?
HOROWITZ: Can’t say.

Are we going to know who created the Dark Curse?
HOROWITZ: Can’t say.

Will there be any upcoming time travel shenanigans?

The two new characters reportedly being introducing in the season finale — the adult and the little girl — do we know them or at least one of them?
KITSIS: Can’t say.

Will there be an entire cast song in the musical?
HOROWITZ: Can’t say.

Will the musical have any original work by Mark Isham?

Will some dead or forgotten characters come back to have their happy ending at last?
KITSIS: Can’t say.

Once Upon a Time returns Sunday at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

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