Sean Spicer's Hitler comments mashed up with Veep closing credits

Photo: Dan Ketchum/Youtube

For many, it’s difficult to believe Donald Trump’s presidential narrative thus far isn’t a work of fiction — especially after Sean Spicer’s White House press briefing Tuesday, during which the press secretary called concentration camps “Holocaust centers” and falsely claimed Adolf Hitler “didn’t sink to using chemical weapons” (fact check: he did).

As HBO’s critically lauded comedy Veep is often hailed as one of the most accurate political satires the entertainment industry has ever produced, it was only a matter of time before the internet would find a way to blend the show with the current presidential administration. Finally, the time has come, as YouTube user Dan Ketchum spliced together footage from Spicer’s presser with Veep‘s closing credits, which tend to send each episode off with highlighting its various characters’ (numerous) incompetencies.

The savvy reframing of Spicer’s remarks begins with a title card (“Passover 2017” it reads, referencing yesterday’s date) as the show’s string-driven score kicks in; Julia Louis-Dreyfus — who plays former President Selina Meyer on the Emmy-winning show — drops in to mock the former RNC communications director’s rambling, while another clip shows perhaps the series’ most prominent bumbling idiot, Jonah (Timothy Simons), saying, “Ma’am, this morning he told me that Jews cause hurricanes,” after a clip of Spicer saying, “We didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II.”

Watch the full Spicer-Veep mashup above.

Veep returns to HBO for a sixth season Sunday at 10:30 p.m. ET.

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