Ellen DeGeneres gets Jennifer Lopez to spill on how she and A-Rod got together

Ellen DeGeneres managed to get the real stats on Jennifer Lopez's hot new romance with retired baseball player Alex Rodriguez during her show on Monday.

The host all but forced J.Lo to open up about her relationship with A.Rod, peppering the World of Dance judge with questions to get her to describe every little detail about how the couple had first met.

"I was having a Cobb salad and some soup," said Lopez, setting the scene at DeGeneres' prompting. "I saw him walk by, and then afterward I went outside. But for some reason, I felt like tapping him on the shoulder and saying hi. I said, ‘Hi, Alex' and he said, ‘Hi, Jennifer.' That's how we met."

But while Lopez didn't want to bore the audience with details of the small talk she and the former Yankees player made at their first meeting, DeGeneres felt like Lopez's story needed some more details — like why the pair already had each other's numbers from years ago.

"Let's back up to that," DeGeneres joked. "This is like a Dateline all of a sudden."

You can watch the whole interview — including DeGeneres' A-Rod-inspired surprise — above.

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