WWE enters the Black Lodge in kooky Twin Peaks parody

Welcome to the town of 'Fashion Peaks'

Just like Twin Peaks itself, the WWE’s Twin Peaks parody presents way more questions than answers.

One of the recent story lines for WWE SmackDown sees wrestler Tyler Breeze investigating the disappearance of his partner, Fandango, who was abducted by mysterious attackers at WWE Battleground. Now Breeze is channeling Kyle MacLachlan’s Agent Cooper as he continues his search in “Fashion Peaks.”

Breeze is pouring over evidence on a corkboard with pun-heavy names and references like “Bella Twin Peaks” and “Fire Walk With Me.” Then, just like Cooper, the wrestler gets a break in the case when he’s thrown into a dream sequence inspired by the Black Lodge.

“No wonder this show got canceled the first time,” he says while trying to make sense of this Lynchian vision, complete with Fandango doing his best Man From Another Place impersonation. Breeze soon awakes screaming, “Enough with the metaphors! No more metaphors!”


As David Lynch himself said, “Twin Peaks is a mystery that holds other mysteries.” So must “Fashion Peaks.”

Watch the parody video above.

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