Samuel L. Jackson flips James Corden the bird in epic rap battle

Samuel L. Jackson came out strong in what was one of the best installments of “Drop the Mic,” James Corden‘s rap battle bit on The Late Late Show. After Corden taunted his guest with “you only get applause when you show up after credits” in Marvel movies, the star of The Hitman’s Bodyguard had a simpler hand gesture in response.

“I feel bad for you, son, because I’m the real star. No one knows who you are without Adele and a car. … In The Emoji Movie, I hear you just play a hand, so look, I’m gonna put it in a way you can understand,” he rapped before flipping the bird.

Corden fired back with more trash talk like “90 percent of your IMDb page is s–,” “best part of Wonder Woman was Nick Fury wasn’t in it,” and “people will only listen to what you say when Tarantino wrote it.” Jackson made some solid comebacks, like “I don’t want to be that guy, but I gots to be: Nick Fury is Marvel, Wonder Woman’s DC.” But Corden woke the beast when he trashed Jackson’s Capitol One commercials and used his “motherf–ker” movie quote against him.

“He’s rattled. Did I hurt your feelings, James? On the bright side, now that you’ve battled me, people know your name. … You got your a– kicked by a man twice your age. Now get this motherf–king hack off this motherf–king stage,” Jackson spit. For the finishing blow, he threw cash in the air after rapping, “Oh, you dissed my commercials? That’s so out of pocket, so let me whip this out and show you what’s in my f–king wallet.”

Other stellar “Drop the Mic” battles featured Riz Ahmed and Jennifer Hudson, but Jackson’s performance may be the best one yet.

Watch the epic installment in the clip above.

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