Bill Maher on Steve Bannon: 'Speaking of getting rid of racist eyesores'

Bill Maher doesn’t understand “why lazy white people can’t keep a job” in the White House these days. General Flynn, Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer, and Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci were among those brought on and then knocked off the Trump administration. Now, Steve Bannon is the next to go.

After skewering President Trump on Real Time Friday night for his handling of the riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, the comic pivoted to talk about Bannon’s exit. “Speaking of getting rid of racist eyesores,” he said during his opening monologue.

The New York Times reported on Friday that Trump told senior aides of his decision to dismiss Bannon, his chief strategist, which was followed up by a flurry of reports confirming the news. Bannon is now officially back at his post at Breitbart News.

“Trump told him this bunker is not big enough for the both of us,” Maher joked.

The Real Time host had previously discussed the events in Charlottesville last weekend, when white supremacists chanted Nazi phrases such as “Jews will not replace us.” Maher said Bannon “never got a long with Jared Kushner, who will probably take over some of his duties.” He went on to say, “So, again, to the people chanting, ‘Jews will not replace us,’ yeah they kinda did it again.”

Now Maher wonders, “Who is still with Trump?” Because as he pointed out, Trump has become “as popular as a norovirus on a cruise ship” since he his infamous “both sides” remarks about the white supremacist rally. “Here’s a hint you’re not a fine person,” the host added, “If the guy next to you has a swastika flag, that’s a hint. If the party you want to go to looks like Comic-Con for sociopaths, you are not a fine person.”

Watch the Maher in the clip above.

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