House of Cards creator Beau Willimon calls Kevin Spacey allegations 'deeply troubling'

Spacey has been accused of sexual misconduct by actor Anthony Rapp

House of Cards creator Beau Willimon is weighing in on the sexual misconduct allegations made against Kevin Spacey.

In a statement posted to Twitter Monday, the Emmy-nominated writer asserted his support for Anthony Rapp, who told BuzzFeed News on Sunday that Spacey sexually assaulted him when he was 14 years old, and expressed deep concern around Spacey’s alleged behavior.

“Anthony Rapp’s story is deeply troubling,” Willimon said. “During the time I worked with Kevin Spacey on House of Cards, I neither witnessed nor was aware of any inappropriate behavior on set or off. That said, I take reports of such behavior seriously and this is no exception. I feel for Mr. Rapp and I support his courage.”

Rapp, best known for his lead turn in Rent, told BuzzFeed News that Spacey was 26 at the time of the incident, and both were in New York performing on Broadway. Rapp says that he was invited to a party by Spacey at his apartment, and only after keeping to himself for some time did he realize that he was the only guest remaining. Spacey approached him, Rapp alleges, after drunkenly swaying in the doorway. “He picked me up like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold,” Rapp told BuzzFeed News. “But I don’t, like, squirm away initially, because I’m like, ‘What’s going on?’ And then he lays down on top of me.”

Rapp added “he was trying to get with me sexually,” and clarified that he was able to escape the situation after Spacey asked, “Are you sure you wanna go?”

Spacey issued a statement in which he apologized to Rapp but noted that he did not remember the incident. “I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate behavior,” he said, “and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years.” Spacey also came out as gay in the statement after previously keeping his sexuality private.

Willimon’s House of Cards has netted Spacey a Golden Globe Award and five Emmy nominations for Best Drama Actor. Willimon departed the show in 2016 after serving as executive producer and showrunner for four seasons. House of Cards has been renewed for a sixth season and is expected to premiere sometime in 2018.

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